Monday, March 5, 2012

Cute, Fluffy, and Warm

The title explains it. This outfit I think is adorable and it will keep your penguin warm and comfortable. The blue hair is the hair from the Puffle craze pages where you can buy an entire outfit dedicated to one Puffle! I loved all the outfits so much I had to buy all of them. The sneakers are ones I got a while ago but any sneakers with blue on them will work with this outfit. Then the fluffy white boa is also from the Puffle craze pages. And finally the sweatshirt is one that I made in the section of the catalog where you can make your own clothes. I just chose the color white and a design I liked. You can chose any design you like though. It doesn't have to be just like mine. Once you found one you like, you can build on this outfit, make it your own. For example you could change the color like to purple (as seen above the blue). I hope you liked this outfit! More to come!


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